Sunday Services

Sunday 5th January 2019 - 11.00am Morning Worship: Bob Dawson
Bob Dawson asked, “Who are our heroes as we run the race through life?” The heroes mentioned in the Book of Hebrews are cheering us on as witnesses. (Hebrews chapters 1 and 11.) Runners in a race do not make it harder by carrying heavy loads or wearing restricting clothing. Do we look after our physical and spiritual bodies along our journey? Bob reminded us that Christians never retire. Are we still running; not looking back but fixing our eyes on Jesus?
Sunday 29th December 2019 - 11.00am Morning Worship: Ian Robinson
Ian focused his talk on TRUST and the question of who we trust in the bad and good times. God knows the best for us even if it is hard. He stretches out His hand to us as he promises to be with us. Do we take His hand or think we can do better on our own? Ultimately, as Ian emphasised, God is the only one who is trustworthy.
Sunday 13th October 2019 - 11.00am Morning Worship: Keith Bentley
Keith Bentley took a mini series on some events in the life of Elijah as described in 1 Kings chapter 18. Elijah had enjoyed seeing God triumph over the false prophets of Baal and wicked King Ahab, only to feel despondent over the threats to his life by Queen Jezebel. Feeling discouraged and alone he ran away (chapter 19) but God saw Elijah’s depression and, with patience and gentleness, seeks to reassure Elijah of His presence and constant love.
The devil likes to put doubts in our minds and test our faith. Our hope needs to be in our faithful God who tells us to ’fear not’ and to ’trust and obey’. Having run away from God (so he thinks) Elijah finds that God is still there and has work for him to do. Elijah returns after a very long journey to complete the task God has for him and to meet the man Elisha, who will continue the work after Elijah (2 Kings chapter 2). God may lead us on an unexpected journey in order to carry out His purposes for us. Are we willing to walk with God wherever he leads and to hand over the ’baton’ to others as we serve the Lord together?
Listen to his sermon:
Sunday 29th September 2019 - 11.00am Morning Worship: Peter Mann
Peter emphasized through the story of Moses at the burning bush (Exodus chp 3) how we need to be prepared for whatever plans God has for us. God may lead us through a ’desert’ in order to bring us to something better. God has a purpose for us all in our personal lives and our church life. God called Moses’ name twice to come into His holy presence. Despite his inadequacies God chose Moses to carry out His plan. Have we the faith to carry out the task that God has chosen for us with His help?
Sunday 15th September 2019 - 11.00am Morning Worship: Flo from Compassion
Thank you for the response to the visit of Flo from Compassion. As a church we welcome 4 year old Benjamin who lives in Burkina Faso (more details on the notice board) as we continue to help support 15 year old Mutu in Rwanda. Culver Coffee are also hoping to help support a young girl. Flo emphasised that Compassion tries to be Christ centred, Christ focused and church based. The Bible instructs us to care for those in need (James chp 1 v 27).